Your love story is all those moments, big and small, over the span of  your relationship that created the foundation of your love for each other.

There are so many reasons why including your love story in your ceremony  is such a brilliant thing to do and believe it or not, although some of  your friends and family may be all too well aware of how you met and  may even have been a witness to the very moment, there will be many who only have a vague idea of how you got together.

When did you meet? When was your first kiss? When did you know he was the one? As a couple the special moments would be many, you can't include everyone of course. The most part of them are so important for you, but this doesn't mean they need to be shared with all your guests.

But a couple of them are soooo important: the first date and the engagement date! A love story sign will let your guests feel as a part of your life.